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Operation Thrive's Grant Management Staff

Chief Accountability and Information Officer, Dr. Karren Bailey


Norfolk Public Schools

Office of Assessment, Research and Accountability

800 E.City Hall Avenue, Room 700

Norfolk, VA 23510

Phone 757-628-3850


Dr. Bailey presents Norfolk's "Operation Thrive" DoDEA grant during the Military Child Education Coalition's (MCEC) "Pathfinder's Showcase, 2016".
The Office of Assessment, Research and Accountability helps OpThrive with continued success! Purple Up!
OpThrive Project Director,
Dr. Gail Flanagan


Dr. Gail Flanagan, DODEA Grant Project Director
Former Norfolk Public School's Superintendent, Dr. Melinda Boone and Military Student Transition Consultant Beth Mills, support Veterans during the Veteran's Day Celebration at Tarrallton ES.
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